Recent content by alizea

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  1. alizea & gamesense vs gamesense beta 5vs5 matchmaking HvH

    alizea* and kazor didnt even play and it was 4v5 lmao
  2. alizea

    Editing contest results

    packz 2. place = rigged
  3. alizea

    Community editing contest

    ez top 1
  4. alizea

    Community editing contest

    it was so far the only good one all other put 0 effort into it
  5. alizea

    Community editing contest

    wdym nothing special about that clip at 0:22 it was just a preset cinematic where a legit killed a other legit in palace this is not a cinematic from the clip itself even though this editest was prob that the best out of all edits that was yet submitted
  6. alizea

    Community editing contest

    false guess who n00b look discord
  7. alizea

    Community editing contest

    if you have been in the scene long enough you know who im talking about there is only one godly editor
  8. alizea

    Community editing contest

    thats nothing on what is comming tomorrow
  9. alizea

    Community editing contest

    yall shit wait for the legend itself posting tomorrow