Recent content by ApexHacker

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  1. ApexHacker

    Question about the cheat itself

    thats exactly what they do same email they dont phone# they do unless its different from last i gave af to know it is #
  2. ApexHacker

    when did onetap last update

  3. ApexHacker


    1:10 what the actual fuck is that hit effect bro 💀💀💀
  4. ApexHacker

    5 reasons that u should buy onetap

    yall just need to shut the fuck up already my god you people are all equally retarded
  5. ApexHacker


    people on here bump media like its good ☠️☠️☠️
  6. ApexHacker


    when you open loader after it errors it says at the top of onetap page hwid reset click it select what happened and then its reset or goes to admins if ip is different
  7. ApexHacker

    today is the day

  8. ApexHacker


    that is just an outright lie they've been saying that for almost 4 months now soon
  9. ApexHacker

    Working on update?

    probably i think after literally every version got cracked and the old src leaked they probably gave up on it "security on par with skeet" btw
  10. ApexHacker

    Working on update?

    doubt it the fanboys of the cheat have been saying for almost a year now update soon still not a single update to occur and from what ive seen it still isnt fixed for that anim update that happened a while ago but idk about that one
  11. ApexHacker

    Anything new in HvH?

    its pretty dead nothing new except more exploits that make it even more boring
  12. ApexHacker

    Xmas Subscription Giveaway [ENDED]

    update the fucking cheat already
  13. ApexHacker

    Did onetap update ?

    ? how am i fan boying it because i say it isnt shit??
  14. ApexHacker

    need a sub

    there is literally a thread of resellers at the top of the presale questions 1 2
  15. ApexHacker

    Did onetap update ?

    nl isnt that bad it has alot of issues but isnt a shit paste i mean look at skeet there are so many issues it isnt even funny