Recent content by connor999

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  1. connor999

    scammer reseller

    i think its mark thats charging like over double the price for 1 month bro
  2. connor999

    scammer reseller

    yeah bro ima go through you and see man like fr bro u seem like the cheapest option atm no increase in price so yeah
  3. connor999

    scammer reseller

    i saved up for like two months to try out onetap bro like fr
  4. connor999

    scammer reseller

    this dude called bisto or somethn i gave his discord name too BaristOl#9514
  5. connor999

    scammer reseller

    im not laughing bro
  6. connor999

    scammer reseller

    i know but ive learnt and i was impatient can steam refund the codes at all ?
  7. connor999

    scammer reseller

    please beware theres a scammer going by the name of BaristOl #9514 he gets codes from u then blocks you and doesnt resell he also impersonates people on opnetap to try lure preople in