Recent content by Flamman77

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  1. Flamman77

    Honest feedback

    ? i have not said that i cared lul its only you xD this is just funny cuz u get so angry
  2. Flamman77

    Honest feedback

    but still u have a public cheat hahah cry more i can see ur crying hard right now. You're the one that cares cuz u still reply to me hahahah
  3. Flamman77

    Honest feedback

    cuz its funny seeing people still buy this trash and thinks its good hahah. Waste of money. Imagine hvh for over 2 years and still have public cheats hahah
  4. Flamman77

    Honest feedback

    no shit onetap is trash hahah its a only baim cheat. Good thing i have fatality and not this trash cheat.
  5. Flamman77

    ot worth buying now?

    not worth it resolver is trash and AA is trash there are better cheats then OT right now
  6. Flamman77

    Is ot any good rn?

    tfym its impossible to get banned if you use -insecure..... ur fault to use AA in mm games that is why you get banned IQ -. And the red trust has nothing to do with the cheat it is that you get reported lmao CLOWN
  7. Flamman77

    onetap performance

    the cheat is not good at all right now i hope they will update cuz every cheat has megalean and ot cant hit that at all