Recent content by Legendus

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  1. Legendus

    How good is onetap for legit?

    Legit bot is a lot more simple than legit cheats but imo works well. Its easy to config if you know what you're doing and it can work as long as you're smart you can make it look legit easily.
  2. Legendus

    Cheating in CS:GO with Valorant installed.

    Valorants AC wont ban you for it even if you have onetap open on your computer while playing.
  3. Legendus

    Cheat work on Remote Play ?

    Yea, me and my friend were screwing around and he remote played me and rq'd the cheat. It does work with remote play but with the latency I dont see why you'd want it.
  4. Legendus

    Hi dad

    Hi dad