Recent content by Lightning

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  1. Lightning

    broke asf

  2. Lightning

    broke asf

    did you not see this kid literally just kill afks 70% of his clips? Lmao omfg a retard like you wouldn't like fakeduck because you sure do like tricycle servers huh
  3. Lightning

    broke asf

    Yep love killing some afks and putting them in a montage yep.
  4. Lightning

    Onetap Alpha update coming soon

    Gayyyyyyyyyyyy but siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
  5. Lightning

    Diyos you are big gay

    Diyos you are big gay
  6. Lightning

    Im an alpha with 300 iq there is nothing i can possibly learn from here

    Im an alpha with 300 iq there is nothing i can possibly learn from here
  7. Lightning

    I agree

    I agree
  8. Lightning

    From the moon but no proof smh

    From the moon but no proof smh
  9. Lightning

    says the Australian hvher omg hahah

    says the Australian hvher omg hahah
  10. Lightning


  11. Lightning

    tapping nonames w/ the best hack

    omg bro you are femboy omg bro fan of lunar omg bro dont even have gamerware hh
  12. Lightning

    Nipnip is epic hvher Primeknight is harmless +rep

    Nipnip is epic hvher Primeknight is harmless +rep
  13. Lightning

    Also unknown hh

    Also unknown hh
  14. Lightning

