Recent content by rockstar999

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  1. rockstar999

    "New Update bad bla bla"

    dude ur pfp is hot can i have his #
  2. rockstar999

    Breaking Resolver.

    that is p
  3. rockstar999

    How much for a Lifetime sub?

    no such thing unfortunately
  4. rockstar999

    sign my profile dad please

    sign my profile dad please
  5. rockstar999

    haha boi that uid lol

    haha boi that uid lol
  6. rockstar999


  7. rockstar999

    probably better than the "best" media you've seen

    i love how ur hatin but ur prob just some fat lard on a chair
  8. rockstar999

    rip to my other account that was hacked. ): ): ):

    rip to my other account that was hacked. ): ): ):