Recent content by snow723456

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  1. S

    Onetap Review by an early adopter.

    He said he wanted a "skeleton key" for onetap. That is not possible with the aa system even if we had lua.......
  2. S

    Onetap Review by an early adopter.

    Not possible with the current aa system.
  3. S


  4. S

    onetap vs aimware

    Onetap is way better than AW, especially rn. AW is so broken it dumps pastes.
  5. S

    hacker v hacker

    Mans got good taste in music :)
  6. S

    So about the recent update..

    I never rubberband and I use 90% plus on all fakelags..... Nice internet, go refund
  7. S

    Can confirm Signal is Jesus v2. <3

    Can confirm Signal is Jesus v2. <3
  8. S

    xaNe is back

    Hell yeah <3