Recent content by Soviet456

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  1. Soviet456

    [SUB GIVEAWAY] Ended

    good luck everyone
  2. Soviet456

    Current cheat state?

    better ?
  3. Soviet456

    Current cheat state?

    everytime when GS is down i use OT its decent with some scripts can be on top (gamesense lately has been down a lot of times)
  4. Soviet456

    I paid for the cheat but didnt get the sub

    I think it can take up to 3 days to get your sub.
  5. Soviet456

    Any news about an update?

    Maybe this will be stupid but I was playing with ot 3 weeks ago I was missing b-aim today my sk**t was crashing non-stop so I tried ot and I was only hitting head no idea what happend but I cant stop hitting head im using the same cfg same scripts etc when enemy peek me he will miss or get...
  6. Soviet456

    Xmas Subscription Giveaway [ENDED]

    Good luck everyone
  7. Soviet456

    Did onetap update ?

  8. Soviet456

    config issue nauč se dělat pořádný cfg pak nádávej mrdko

    config issue nauč se dělat pořádný cfg pak nádávej mrdko
  9. Soviet456


    cool vid
  10. Soviet456

    onetap hvh highlights

    really nice
  11. Soviet456

    Sub giveaway

    why dont try my luck but gl everyone
  12. Soviet456

    Onetap V4 Showcase

    p100 but its not v4
  13. Soviet456

    yeah ... :(

    yeah ... :(
  14. Soviet456

    welcome back make onetap great again.

    welcome back make onetap great again.