Recent content by XANXnibuu

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  1. XANXnibuu

    Where to find reseller

    Ask @falcon I know he does PayPal, idk about steam cards.
  2. XANXnibuu

    3 days of onetap, honest opinion

    And with my config I don't really dump at all, I won't say it's a cfg issue because we both are having different experiences with the cheat, just try 73 head, 58 body with 67-69% hc.
  3. XANXnibuu

    3 days of onetap, honest opinion

    I'm not saying the resolver is perfect, I'm saying it's fine against aw and most other cheats. Everything needs to be updated regularly to stay on top/competitive.
  4. XANXnibuu

    3 days of onetap, honest opinion

    The resolver is fine, not taking anything away from your opinion but with only 3 days on the cheat I think you should play more as it sounds like a config issue. I do fine against other cheats most of the time. Lua compatibility more than likely won't ever be added as it's un-needed but I can...
  5. XANXnibuu

    13 days with Onetap V2

    Chill with the edits, it makes it hard to see what's going on.