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  1. wann2k

    honest review after ~2 months of usage

    u nc dog !!!!!! let's start off with what you use to inject the cheat loader 7/10 - not a biggie that it doesn't close steam but sometimes i'd have the wrong password error even though i didn't press anything and i'm using save credentials. like the fact that they are "teasing" us with some...
  2. wann2k

    purves user destroyed in mmhvh

    superior hvh cheat cant embed images coz retard but no iplogger
  3. wann2k

    6kill media owo

    mirel balaurul proud aw user and trashtalker cioara aw user friend of mine zlvmek proud paste user hhh if you wanna check got my config working thanks to some suggestions and some random configs i downloaded online. i sometimes miss when i run out in the open like a...
  4. wann2k

    First day of

    i am sorry for omitting legit but i haven't used it yet cause i don't really need it; used to have decent aim when i was legit. note that this is not biased and after some days in i might change my opinion, depending how used i get to the cheat. im at the same time looking for some advice with...
  5. wann2k

    Easter sale?

    hi! im broke and wanna buy onetap and sorry for the dumbest question ever; may someone link me a picture with the desync options for aa? edit: i made this post cause i wanted to buy 2 cheats at once but the questions still stand hehe