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  1. xelos

    psilent guy

  2. xelos

    We're not giving alpha access to every subscribers

    We're not giving alpha access to every subscribers
  3. xelos

    Onetap intro

    Looks great! :)
  4. xelos

    how good is this ?

    ONETAP is definitely a great cheat, but you still need a great config and decent playstyle to perform really well in hvh.
  5. xelos

    Open a support ticket

    Open a support ticket
  6. xelos


    Check the FAQ thread, As of now, we only provide official support for Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC), SMAC and the FACEIT Serverside Anti-Cheat (non-client)
  7. xelos

    There's 104 days of summer vacation And school comes along just to end it So the annual problem...

    There's 104 days of summer vacation And school comes along just to end it So the annual problem for our generation Is finding a good way to spend it
  8. xelos


  9. xelos


    The switch_press hitsound is built-in in the cheat, if you would like to use other hitsounds the cheat already support custom hitsound. As for purchasing the cheat through a reseller, check the resellers section. Make sure to purchase through a trustworthy reseller.
  10. xelos

    where can i get free configs

    There is a config section in the subscriber lounge for users to share their configs.
  11. xelos

    Stripe might take 2-4 days to process your payment.

    Stripe might take 2-4 days to process your payment.
  12. xelos

    PSC reseller?

    Don't think there are resellers that accept PsC atm
  13. xelos

    -rep always stealing my diamonds

    -rep always stealing my diamonds
  14. xelos

    My 1st day review

    Thank you for such great feedback and review! We appreciate it :)
  15. xelos

    We don't accept PSC.

    We don't accept PSC.
  16. xelos

    Onetap Review

    Thank you for your nice words!
  17. xelos

    A Onetap Review by cloe.

    Thank you for your nice words! We're glad that you enjoyed using the cheat :>
  18. xelos


    Thank you for your nice words :) !!
  19. xelos

    first hvh vid by xaNe

    great video :cool: