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  1. A

    ok thanks bro it's general problem i guess but it's happenin frequently lately

    ok thanks bro it's general problem i guess but it's happenin frequently lately
  2. A

    Should i Enable Anti-Untrusted ?

    I dont know what's DT(hope its not double-tap) and HS means can you explain more clearly, please. Thanks for answers btw. I'm mostly playin on ranked (official servers) with rage and semi-rage modes. As I understand it i should enable it. So is this affect to my cfg perform ?
  3. A

    Should i Enable Anti-Untrusted ?

    hello i found a cfg for OT, in it's settings(restriction part) anti untrusted mode was not choose.Should i open anti untrusted mode, and if i set anti untrusted mode is this affect to my cfg perform ?