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  1. M


    after all, what's the best cfg+java to buy that i've seen a lot and some win in a duel of 1v1 or 1v3 and so on, say a good one to buy
  2. M


    i have a question that can be asked on the line, to block the demos at the overwacher so that in gamesense you won't get any vac-ban ?
  3. M

    cfg and java

    i know i have the config and java section, but i have tested a few and i don't realize i'm new on the hvh, who can recommend a config and a java for everything (pistol, gun, autostart, awp,) to come to anti aim auto peek and other chats good at a cfg
  4. M

    install onetap?

    i want to buy myself today, but i don't know how to activate or inject what's the job with it, there's some video or pictures to explain to me how in install or inject
  5. M


    Did someone tell me that the beta version will be inserted, that is, is v5 true?
  6. M


    hi, i have a question i have heard that the onetap is detectable and you take your vac-ban, is it true?