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  1. Strimsnaiper

    Review and personal opinion

    Yes, I know, when I am missing without log that’s resolver issue, hitchance 69% accuracy boost 88%
  2. Strimsnaiper

    Review and personal opinion

    Yesterday we were testing onetap vs skeet, guy with skeet was going to me at slowwalk and I was head only scout, i was missing hit 4-5 times without any logs, like spread or occlusion logs, then kill him in body or in head
  3. Strimsnaiper

    Review and personal opinion

    yes, you can do your cfg better and there will be fewer misses, but it will not fix RESOLVER misses, that shoots fakes when enemy is slowalking or standing.
  4. Strimsnaiper

    Review and personal opinion

    Sorry, but cfg is fixing resolver?
  5. Strimsnaiper

    Legit aa

    I think no