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  1. LiquidC

    hello ma dudes

    Does this factor in the possibility of dying early due to cancer, heart disease, or toxicity from the community?
  2. LiquidC


    Sometimes it takes more than a few minutes to go through. I suggest you create a ticket, get the receipt/order ID of it coming out of your account and be ready for the support team to answer you.
  3. LiquidC

    Community editing contest

    I love the Bo Burnham song lol
  4. LiquidC

    What happens if a user fought a user?

    The perfect user doesn't exis.....
  5. LiquidC


    Why not a cc? Hopefully, you have one. Better to use a CC than linking a bank or a debit. Especially if you're worried about theft. (Credit cards are more robust against fraud & theft )