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  1. Eff7ctz

    3 days of onetap, honest opinion

    I've paid for my configs, their literally not working
  2. Eff7ctz

    3 days of onetap, honest opinion

    I've made an AMAZING config for the scout but the ragebot 100% needs improving - Resolver (can't even hit aimware) - Scout in general (I hate auto) and try and maybe improve the aa a bit more or add a lua injector?
  3. Eff7ctz

    What happens if a user fought a user?

    Lord gaben you fucking mong
  4. Eff7ctz

    What happens if a user fought a user?

    God will explode.
  5. Eff7ctz

    What happens if a user fought a user?

    The world would explode.
  6. Eff7ctz

    Can I use it on a virtual machine

    It wont work with ANY form of vm including: - VPS - Sandboxie - VMWARE and every other way you can debug it.
  7. Eff7ctz

    Time for sub to be activated after payment?

    With stripe it can take up to a hour, just be patient. If it doesn't work contact a moderator using the support tab at the top