AUTOMATIC resolver prediction via anti aim

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i got no idea about coding but an anti aim that remembers how it was resolved and switches when peeking that certain use using that resolver. let me know if i can explain what im speaking of more.
im saying there are other forms of resolvers. so a system that records the form of resolver used to kill said user and apply's this info accordingly.
You can't tell "what resolver" someone is using, only the angle they're attempting to resolve. What resolver logic their cheat uses can simply be defined in their source as "bruteforce 58, anti-freestanding, ect" while only actually resolving one angle. You however can store their hits on you and attempt to store where their missed shots are in accordance to your position and have the antiaim adjust to spots where they miss more. Theoretical but it could be made
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there are other forms of resolvers
not rlly, what u see in random unknowncheat pastes being called as "prediction, static, random" etc, all of them use mostly the same "animlayer -> anti-freestanding -> if hit then store angle, if missed then bruteforce another angle" logic

they're called differently but mostly static just switches after 2 misses to prevent being anti bruteforced, prediction uses anti-freestanding logic more etc
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