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bro these retards have to understand that their opinion doesn't matter. If you don't like the cheat, try to find another public cheat that performs as well. I'm sure you'll do well with fucking rifk and it's year old ragebot


The resolver has had so many updates and is almost as good as you can get.

There are no logs for resolver, only spread. They are not needed because if you miss due to something that's not spread its out of your control anyways.
" almost as good as you can get."

This is blatantly untrue.
Try hitting someone slow walking with a scout in the head.


If your peeking slow walking people with scout then your braindead.
If someone's head is sideways when slow walking, I should be able to hit it.
I don't have issues resolving slow walking players with other cheats, but this one can't at all.
Nemesis, an 8-month-old cheat, can resolve better than this.
I can't even resolve body on slow walking players, and that's how you know a resolver is broken.

It's weird how public hack users can never admit their cheat has resolver issues ever.
The resolver does need a update most of the time scouting no matter what my config/Pointscales are I find myself missing with the scout on a daily basis.
cfg issue, ot has probably the most consistent resolver atm.
this shitty resolver misses pastes,static aa,legit aa, legits,baim, everything you could possibly thing of
maybe fix your config before crying. Also, if you think ot is bad, just switch to other cheats like aimware. Or is onetap not that bad after all?