Why did they remove the bitcoin buy option ffs. No one uses stripe..

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just to clarify: paypal is by far the worst paying service, i'd use skrill over paypal since you can literally win any chargebakc you want
Not so much about the chargebacks compared to the fact that they can just roll a dice and decide to lock your account and money for 6 months for no reason. Heck, even bans on onetap are more humane than PayPal lmao.


Not so much about the chargebacks compared to the fact that they can just roll a dice and decide to lock your account and money for 6 months for no reason. Heck, even bans on onetap are more humane than PayPal lmao.
yeah paypal legally owes me $3k - illegal company filled with scammers, if i were an official company like onetap I would never touch paypal.


i used stripe lol when i first bought my sub and when i get the money to buy another sub i'll use stripe again
Why isnt there any support for germany like it was before with the sofort payment via stripe or the giro pay? I litteraly cant buy it anymore because my card only has its IBAN on it not the numbers like 43043040340230 cvc code etc... and resellers are expensive af...


Why isnt there any support for germany like it was before with the sofort payment via stripe or the giro pay? I litteraly cant buy it anymore because my card only has its IBAN on it not the numbers like 43043040340230 cvc code etc... and resellers are expensive af...
yeah you're right about the resellers lol, big russian man mar1k charges 29$